img News Copy Text Faster and Easier with Android 13’s Updated Clipboard! Several improvements have been made to the clipboard in Android 13. When you’re copying text or any other type of content, this content will be shown in a floating window located in the left-bottom corner of the screen. This will allow users to quickly edit the copied content and share it. As it was previously shown during the Google I/O 2022, the floating panel will now have a built-in shortcut called “Nearby Share”. This upgrade to the clipboard was first noticed and reported by Mishaal Rahman, and it appears that this new feature is currently being implemented. The “Share” button will now be located on the left-hand side and the Edit button will be completely gone. If you wish to edit the copied content, all you have to do is tap on the content of the floating window itself. Since it is fairly rare for people to edit copied content and they simply wish to quickly share it, this change is definitely a welcome one. The “Nearby Share” button will certainly be convenient for people who constantly switch between using their smartphone and PC. It can also be used to quickly share links and other content with friends who are nearby. Keep in mind though, that the new button simply makes the use of Nearby Share more convenient rather than adding new functionality to your smartphone. In the past, to access this feature, all you had to do is tap on Share on your clipboard. Additionally, you’ll be happy to find out that this new button is not the only thing that is going to be added to the latest version of Android. Many more exciting upgrades will soon become available for users of Android 13. What do you think about the changes to the clipboard? How often do you use the Nearby Share feature? Tell us what you think in the comments below.   img Ethan Blackstone 01 12 2022