Embarking on a Journey: 13 Quintessential Queer Video Games for Newcomers

avatar-user Ava Reynolds 2024-01-22
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Now, more than ever, people are looking to get into the world of gaming. For those in the queer community, finding games that resonate with their experiences can be a transformative journey. Here is a curated list of 13 video games that are not only accessible to modern gamers but also rich with LGBTQ+ narratives and characters.

Gone Home (2013)

Gone Home game logotype

Gone Home is a game about discovery and understanding. As you explore an empty house, piecing together the story of a family, you uncover a touching tale of a young lesbian's self-discovery. It’s a game that manages to be gripping without relying on combat or action, allowing its heartfelt story to take center stage.

The Sims 4 (2014)

A game that reflects life's diversity, The Sims 4 allows players to create characters and relationships that mirror their reality or fantasy. With continuous updates adding features like surrogacy and top surgery scars, the game has evolved to be an inclusive space where queer stories thrive.

Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)

Dragon Age: Inquisition is an epic fantasy RPG that doesn't shy away from queer narratives. It offers LGBTQ+ players a chance to engage in meaningful relationships and features characters like Dorian, whose personal journey speaks deeply to gay gamers.

Life is Strange (2015)

Life is Strange game logotype

A modern classic, Life is Strange offers an emotional narrative centered around Max and Chloe, two friends with a complex, evolving relationship. Your choices shape their bond, creating a personalized and poignant gaming experience that resonates with many in the queer community.

Stardew Valley (2016)

Stardew Valley is a charming farming simulator where the freedom to love who you want stands out. Its inclusive approach to relationships and marriage makes it a haven for gamers seeking representation in the life sim genre.

Butterfly Soup (2017)

With its authentic portrayal of LGBTQ+ Asian-American teens, Butterfly Soup is a visual novel that celebrates diversity and friendship. Its narrative resonates with anyone who has struggled with identity during the tumultuous high school years.

Mass Effect: Andromeda (2017)

Mass Effect Andromeda game logotype

Despite its rocky start, Mass Effect: Andromeda has made significant strides in LGBTQ+ representation. Post-launch updates have rectified earlier shortcomings, making it a testament to the importance of inclusive storytelling in gaming.

Hades (2018)

Hades is a stellar example of a game that intertwines challenging gameplay with queer narratives. The relationships you can explore in this roguelike adventure add emotional depth and offer a diverse portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters.

Tell Me Why (2020)

Tell Me Why is a narrative adventure that handles its trans protagonist with care and authenticity. The game addresses issues of identity and family with sensitivity, providing an affirming experience for trans gamers.

If Found (2020)

If Found Game screen

A poignant tale of a trans woman returning home, If Found is a visual novel that explores the complexities of family, identity, and acceptance. Its intimate storytelling and expressive art make it a deeply personal experience.

Unpacking (2021)

Unpacking may seem like a simple puzzle game, but its narrative unfolds through the items you unpack, revealing a queer love story. It’s a testament to the power of environmental storytelling and the significance of every object in our lives.

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist (2022)

In I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, you shape your character's identity over a decade of life on a new planet. The game's nuanced approach to gender and pronouns makes it a milestone in inclusive gaming, allowing players to see themselves in a rich, sci-fi narrative.

Baldur’s Gate 3 (2023)

Baldur’s Gate 3 woman game screen

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an RPG triumph that embraces queer characters and stories within its fantastical realms. It's a game where LGBTQ+ narratives are interwoven with the fabric of the world, offering a breadth of representation that is as epic as its gameplay.

Each of these games offers a gateway into gaming for queer players, providing experiences that affirm, challenge, and celebrate LGBTQ+ identities. Whether you're new to gaming or looking to see your own stories reflected on screen, these titles are a beautiful place to start your journey.

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